Until something goes wrong, it can be easy to take foot health for granted. Yet taking care of your feet is so important.

After all, if we’re not mobile, we tend to encounter other issues that prevent us from getting active and doing the things we love. It may be that you’ve injured yourself at work or at play, recently had surgery, or you’re suffering from a degenerative condition or the effects of untreated biomechanical issues. Whatever it is, if it’s to do with your feet or lower limbs, we can help.

Podiatry Treatment 

A Podiatrist is a healthcare professional who specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and management of foot conditions, and injuries related to the function of the lower limb and foot.

Podiatry Involves

  • Assessment and treatment of pain in the feet, ankles, shins and knees

  • Assessment and treatment of skin and nail conditions, such as ingrown toenails, callouses and corns

  • Prescription of custom-made and prefabricated orthoses to improve the function and efficiency of the lower limb

  • Footwear advice and modification

  • Assessment and management of all children's foot pain, nail and skin conditions and gait related problems

A holistic approach for whole body health

Wairarapa Sports Podiatry’s treatments are designed to support the management and rehabilitation of a range of foot and lower limb conditions and injuries. To provide the most effective treatment, we take an integrated approach, ensuring we have a full picture of your lifestyle, daily activities and other health concerns.

You may be experiencing

  • Heel Pain - (Plantar Fasciitis, Severs, Achilles Tendinopathy, Haglands deformity, Bursa)

  • Foot Joint Pain - (Bunions, Hammer toes, Arthritis, Neuroma, Plantar Plate)

  • Arch Pain - (Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar Fascia Rupture, Plantar Fascia Tear)

  • Ankle Pain - (chronic ankle injuries, sprained ankle, Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy)

  • Shin Pain - (shin splints, medial tibial stress syndrome, stress fractures, compartment syndrome)

  • Achilles Tendon Pain - (Achilles Tendinopathy)

  • Stress Fractures of the foot and leg

  • Knee & Hip Pain

  • Skin or nail concerns, such as ingrown toenails, calluses, corns or warts (verucca) and Blisters

How we can help

Injury, pain and conditions of the feet and lower limbs
Whether an acute, or degenerative injury or pain of the feet and lower limbs, you will require specialist attention. We have the expertise to assess, treat and manage conditions that are causing you pain in the feet, ankles, shins and knees, and get you taking the right steps back to recovery.

General podiatry
Small discomforts can lead to more painful conditions if they’re not treated regularly and early. We’ll keep your feet looking and feeling good through the treatment of skin and nail conditions, such as corns, calluses (hard skin), warts, ingrown toenails (including minor surgical procedures), and fungal treatments for nails and skin.

Kids are happiest and healthiest when they are active and pain free. We love working with kids of all ages (and all activity levels) to ensure any pain such as heel pain (severs), arch, knee or leg pain or a nail or skin problem are all assessed with care and your child is given the most up to date and effective treatment possible. It's a passion of ours to ensure we keep all kids on their feet so they can remain fit, healthy and happy.

Gait analysis
You know what they say, prevention is better than cure. Analysis of your gait (the way you walk/run), both barefoot and in shoes, could hold the answer to injury or pain management, improved sports performance or strengthened technique. With a professional analysis of your gait, we can recommend exercises, footwear and possibly orthotics that can help you avoid on-going discomfort or injury.

Custom-made or prefabricated orthotics
Orthotics are specialised insoles, prescribed as part of a management plan, that are worn in shoes to optimise the function of the foot and leg to reduce stress on tissues. Every foot type is different and this is where our approach is unique. We offer multiple options to suit every foot type, particular injury, activity type and budget, including custom-made and prefabricated orthoses. We pride ourselves on not being just a one-size-fits-all solution and have extensive experience in the customisation of all types of orthoses. We work with one of the best laboratories in the world, who are at the cutting edge of design and manufacture of our custom made and semi-custom made orthoses.

Footwear advice and modification
Shoes should help, not hinder, your foot comfort. We can modify footwear, and also provide advice and recommendations for the right footwear for you, whether it’s for day-to-day comfort, or for improved sports performance.


Take the first step towards healthy feet